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Hello there!!

I’m Shashank, I’m from Macherial, Telangana currently staying in Bangalore and recently graduated from National Institute of Technology-Patna in the field of Information Technology. Interests in Data science, made me further go indepth with Machine learning and Deep learning. All the repositories on github are projects done by me related to Data science field.

My Profiles


My Projects

1. Personalized Cancer Diagnosis

Classify the given genetic variations/mutations based on evidence from text-based clinical literature

2. Amazon Apparel Recommendation system

Recommend similar apparel items/products in ecommerce.

3. IMDB Review Sentiment Classification using LSTM

IMDB movie review sentiment classification problem, Sequence Classification with LSTM Recurrent Neural Networks using Keras in Python

4. Amazon Fine Food Reviews Prediciton

Predicting polarity of the food reviews based on text review data.

5. Multilingual-SMS-Spam-Detection-using-RNN

Classifying SMS’s of different languages into Spam or Not Spam.

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